Talking about blogs there are a lot of great sales blogs out there. Choosing only 5 among the long list of direct sales blogs is really tough. Nevertheless allow me to just share the top 5 blogs which I find to be informative and helpful. These blogs contain ideas and information worth reading and be implemented along with a reliable network marketing software.
Looking for a good sales blog? Read on, this is in no particular order:
1. Dave Stein’s Blog. This blog provides information about the sales training industry. A must read as it is a great resource on sales training. Here are some of his latest posts: 9 Big Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make About Selling, Is Solution Selling Dead or Just Misunderstood?, How to Build Trust as a Selling Competency, Warning: Sales Tips are Hazardous to your Health.
2. Art Sobczak’s Telesales Blog. This blog provides how to tips, processes and rants on prospecting, Tele sales, all sales and more. The blog is full of great ideas plus occasional voicemail messages from sales people. His latest blog posts are: Ask Buyers How They Want to be sold to, Avoid Rejection by Changing Your Reaction, Show Them the Money to make more of your Own, Don’t Sell Needs, Give them what they want.
3. The Sales Hunters, Sales Motivation Blog. A blog by Mark Hunter, a leading sales expert and speaker. The blog is consistently and continually updated with real sales tips, ideas, and tools that you can immediately put into practice. His latest posts are: Your Eyes are telling the Customers if you believe in your Price, Are Cancelled Appointments Really a Complete Loss?, What have you learned lately about your customers? Are you a High-Performing Sales person?, Speed Dating With Your prospects.
4. Partner’s in Excellence Blog. A blog by David Brock. Here you will find his views on a variety of business, sales, marketing, and leadership topics. David works with sales organizations to improve their performance. Latest blog posts: Metrics Matter, but which ones? It Still is all about Implementation and Execution, The New Office, and Work Life, Sales Management SOP, Creating excuses to keep Going Back to the Customers.
5. Jonathan Farrington’s Blog. Jonathan owns a sales consultancy in London and Paris. The best description for this blog is smart and very informative. Some of his latest posts are: Sales Quotas, High Jumpers and Hockey Sticks, The Correlation between Devotion, Commitment and Success, A Seriously Flawed New Management Theory.